Recipe TIP: Holiday month mousse with avocado and salmon!

Festive month mousse with avocado and smoked salmon



-2 ripe avocados

-1 tablespoon lemon juice

-2 tablespoons cream cheese

-1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

-Salt and pepper as seasonings

-100 grams of smoked salmon, sliced



1. Mash avocado:

-Cut the avocados in half, remove the stone and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

-Add the flesh to a blender or food processor and add the lemon juice. This prevents the avocado from turning brown.

2. Add cream cheese and seasonings:

-Add the cream cheese, Dijon mustard, a pinch of salt and pepper to the avocado in the blender.

-Mix alles tot een gladde, romige mousse. Proef en pas de smaak aan met extra zout, peper of citroensap naar smaak.

3. Add smoked salmon:

-Cut the smoked salmon into fine pieces. If necessary, keep some slices aside for decoration.

-Meng de stukjes zalm voorzichtig door de mousse. Dit kan met een spatel of lepel, zodat de zalm niet helemaal wordt fijngemalen.

4. Serve:

-Scoop the mousse into glasses, small bowls or on a decorative platter.

-Garneer eventueel met een klein stukje gerookte zalm, een schijfje citroen, wat dille of een takje peterselie.

5. Cooling:

Allow the mousse to set in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.


Serving tip!

Serve the mousse with toast, crackers or vegetable sticks like cucumber and carrot. It is also delicious as an upscale appetizer! Enjoy your meal! 🎉


Enjoying fresh Hass avocados?

In our online shop  you can easily order Hass avocados online or you can adopt a Hass avocado tree.

Recipe TIP: Fried egg in avocado!