Proper care and fertilization for our avocado trees

Avocados are hugely popular and are known to be healthy and versatile. To keep our avocadotrees and avocados in good condition and to enjoy delicious avocados during the harvest months, we fertilize the trees according to a specially formulated schedule. Depending on the maturity of the tree, the size of the tree and avocados and the time of year, an avocado tree and its avocados need certain substances more or less. They are like people... ;)


Two essential fertilizers that we regularly make our trees happy are calcium and phosphorus. 


The importance of calcium:

Calcium plays a key role in developing strong cellular structures in avocado trees. It is essential for the formation of cell walls, contributing to the overall stability of the plant. In addition, calcium promotes the uptake of other important nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium, by the tree's roots. This increases disease resistance and reduces susceptibility to certain stress factors, such as drought.


To provide calcium to the avocado trees, we administer it through the water pipes. We enrich the water used to irrigate the trees with water-soluble calcium fertilizer. This ensures that the calcium is readily available to the roots of the trees, which promotes its absorption.


The importance of phosphorus:

Phosphorus is another essential nutrient for the health of avocado trees. It is involved in essential processes such as energy storage and transfer in the plants, photosynthesis and the formation of DNA and RNA. In addition, phosphorus is critical for proper root development and flower formation in avocado trees.


Although phosphorus can be applied via soil, we use another effective application with foliar spraying. We dilute a phosphorus-rich fertilizer in water and spray it directly on the leaves, promoting absorption by the leaves. 


Timing and precautions:

When applying calcium and phosphorus, it is very important to do it in the right dosage and timing. Excessive fertilization can lead to accumulation of nutrients in the soil, which in turn can cause damage to the roots of the trees. This is why we, Farmer Nono and Farmer's wife Beksie, regularly check the health of our trees and soil.


With proper care and fertilization, we can make you avocado lovers happy with delicious, nutritious Hass avocados straight from our trees.


Read more about us here.

Did you know... avocados are good for your hair, diabetes, your skin, obesity and your intestines?